Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Living Water: What You Must Know About the Water You Drink

You can eat and drink: 

1) alkaline and 2) anti-oxidant juice, foods and supplementation, and we highly 

recommend you do—whether you have cancer or not. But Living Water adds a 

critical third cancer-fighter found nowhere else, particularly within a mighty threesome: 
3) a reduced molecular structure rapidly absorbed into cells, able to hydrate and 

detoxify you better than any other water (or liquid, for that matter). 
Therefore: this Living Water creates the perfect anti-cancer trio: 1) alkaline 

2) anti-oxidant and 3) restructured for superior hydration and detoxification. 

For cancer patients, we have no choice but to highly recommend it! Highlights 

from Chapter Six of "Killing Cancer - Not People" is available below.

Click Book To Purchase

excerpts from "Killing Cancer - Not People"
by Bob Wright, Founder and Director, AACI

Step Three of the Cancer Diet: 
Restructured, Ionized Water Could Save Your Life

I undertook a study of water, off and on, for about four months. I am now 
slightly less confused than when I started. Wait, that is an overstatement. 
I know a lot more than I used to and, more importantly, I am aware of the 
real importance of this life-sustaining fluid – especially in its “ionized” form.

Water is an enigma to many – make that most – people. 
Book after book, study after study, and paper after paper have been produced about water. 

The Internet is a virtual library on water. While you can continuously study this never-ending 
volume of H2O paraphernalia, you will probably wind up confused and come to the prevailing
 (and cop-out) conclusion that “water is water”, but you would be missing one of the simplest 
and most valuable ingredients to good health. 

Most of us know that the body is about 70% water, we should drink eight glasses a day, humans

 can go for weeks without food but only three to four days without water, etc., etc. What we don’t
know – or fail to realize – is that most water is acidic, much of it is “dead” (no minerals),
 tap water is full of poisons (chlorine and fluoride), it struggles to hydrate our cells, and contains
 oxidants rather than antioxidants.

Let’s break it down. 
The positive or negative characteristics of water are called the Oxidation Reduction Potential

 (ORP) because of their ability to promote or neutralize free radicals in the body. Acid and
 alkaline are always at war within us and, because we constantly overload our systems with 
acid food and drinks (the H+ positive hydrogen ions) – acid usually wins and our bodies become
 acidic over time (read cancer). Conversely, if we concentrate on eating foods and drinking 
water with negative hydroxyl ions (OH-), we increase the negative charge or negative Oxidation
 Reduction Potential. These OH- ions then bind to the H+ (acidic) ions to neutralize the free
 radicals that cause the “rusting” or “rotting” of the human internal terrain.

Increasing alkalinity decreases oxidation. 
The effects of free radicals or oxidation of the cells can be better described as hepatitis, 

cirrhosis and cancer in the liver; pancreatitis, diabetes and cancer in the pancreas; and
 nephritis, nephrosis and cancer in the kidneys. While all are bad, do you see the common 
denominator to all of these? Yes, it’s cancer.

So ionized water increases our alkalinity and uses its negative oxidation reduction potential 

(ORP) to neutralize free radicals. There is one more important aspect that can be attributed to
negatively charged, reduced water – low microclustering of the water molecules. This is a hot 
topic. There seems to be somewhat of a split school of thought within the scientific community 
on this subject. Many researchers believe that water is dynamic and can have no stable, low 
microcluster capability. An equal number believe the opposite and offer proof through studies 
using nuclear magnetic resonance testing that show that the electrolysis process reduces
 clustering of water molecules from 10-20 (or more) per cluster for regular tap water down to 
5-6 for ionized water. This process reduces the surface tension of the water and allows for
solubility and cell permeability.

...[B]ecause of its low microclustering character – you can literally jump on a trampoline 5 

minutes after consuming an equal amount of ionized water and feel no discomfort. And that’s 
because it has already been transported out of the stomach and is working its way into the cells.
 And I’ve heard that exact story from many who have tried it. There’s the empirical or “life” (not 
clinical) evidence. Because of its low microclustering capability, its strong alkalinity and, most
 importantly, the low negative ORP and free radical scavenging capability, I believe that ionized 
water is a mandatory, baseline “treatment” for those with cancer. 

About distilled and reverse osmosis water.
Sure, it’s pure. But at what cost? Water without minerals will scavenge them from your bones 

and everywhere else in your body as it moves through you. Water has an inherent need for 
minerals and, if it doesn’t have them, it will go find and take them. The stream running down the
mountain picks up minerals from the rocks, earth and sand that it travels over. Don’t let it happen
 to you. Bag the distilled and RO water, the tap water, and bottled water, as well. Almost all water
 that is sold in a plastic container is acid and was bottled, on average, three years prior to your 
purchase! Gee, I wonder where it’s been? Since your body is over 70% water, doesn’t it make 
sense to put the best water possible into it? I think so, especially if you have cancer. And you’ll 
feel the difference.

Do Your Homework. 
[G]et what you feel is best for you. In a moment, I will tell you what I chose. Prior to that, though, 

let’s listen to what some of the experts say about alkaline, ionized water, and their reasons for
 why you should drink it.

Dr. Ray Kurzweil and Dr. Terry Grossman, authors of “Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to

Live Forever” state that: 
“Consuming the right type of water is vital to detoxifying the body’s acidic waste

 products and is one of the most powerful health treatments available. We recommend
 that you drink 8-10 glasses per day of this alkaline water. It is one of the simplest and 
most powerful things that you can do to combat a wide range of disease processes.”

The author of “The pH Miracle”, Dr. Robert Young, says that :
“To maintain or restore your body’s natural pH balance for optimal health, drink

 restructured, ionized water which is rich in anti-oxidants and alkaline minerals. Ionized 
water helps reverse the effects of acid accumulation in the body, the root cause of
 degenerative diseases and aging.”

Dr. Gabriel Cousens, author of “Conscious Eating” says it simply:
“Water ionization could be one of the most important health breakthroughs in our era.”

“Alkaline water produced by a water ionizer has become the most important 

advancement in health care since Sir Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin.” 
This quote (and a stunning one, at that) was voiced by “Cancer Cure” author, Dr. William Kelly.

Dr. Theodore Baroody, D.C., N.D., Ph.D. Nutrition, and author of “Alkalize or Die”, provides his

 opinion on this elixir of life:
“After years of very positive continuous clinical experiments that I am conducting with 

hundreds of clients using electronically restructured, alkaline water, it is my opinion 
that this technology will change the way in which all health providers and the public 
will approach their health in the coming years. My suggestion is to drink restructured,
 alkaline water whenever possible.”

The following statements all came from the website: 
"Ionized water has millions of hydroxyl ions per glass. No other water has this 

incredible benefit. Hydroxyl ions ‘neutralize’ cancer causing and destructive free
 radicals in the body.”

“Ionized water is thousands of times more healthful to your body than any other water. 

And the proof ‘is in the pudding’ so to speak. Everyone who drinks ionized water, 
either in its natural state as glacier milk, or from a properly built and functioning water
 ionizer, lives in a state of health light years beyond those that don’t.” 

“One glass of Ionized water can hydrate your body better than gallons of any other


“Ionized water alkalizes your body better than the only other method (eating a 100% 

organic and raw vegetarian diet).”

“Cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, kidney/renal disease, 

cardio-vascular disease, ad infinitum, are all slowed, stopped, and in most 
circumstances reversed when drinking ionized water.”

“Ionized water can flush toxins and poisons out of your body better and with 

considerably less negative effects than any other detox program/protocol.”

If I were looking for an electrolysis unit today, I would choose the SD501 made by the 

Enagic Company. 
The fact is that I only want to buy one ionizer, I want it to be durable, and to always produce the

 high alkaline, negative ORP, low microclustered water that my body really “thirsts” for. For all of 
my requirements, including the 2.5 acid water feature and the 11.5 super alkaline water 
capability, only Enagic fit the bill. Some may disagree with me – that’s O.K. Establish your own 
criteria and find the one that works best for you. Although the Enagic unit is a little pricey, it is 
more than worth it for what you get – and it might just save your life. Remembering that a single 
day in the hospital for a cancer patient now far exceeds $6,000, this could be a real bargain.
 I don’t believe mine will ever expire and I plan on living a lot more years. It will still probably 
outlive me – that’s how good I believe it is.

Whatever your choice, find a way to get good quality, highly alkaline, negative ORP, low 

microclustered, ionized water into your body as rapidly as you possibly can – especially if you
 have cancer. 

Check out the Enagic USA corporate website at and review the technology

 and equipment. You can find out how to acquire a water ionizer through this site or by calling 
their home office in Torrance, California, at 866-261-9500 or 310-542-7700.

If you choose to go another route for ionized water, please research thoroughly and choose

 wisely. You’ll be glad you did. Giddiyup! 

I have no financial interest in the Enagic Company nor do I receive any remuneration for my
